About Us
The Riverview Family of Schools was established in September 2022 with the aim of achieving excellence in every aspect of education for the community of Barton and beyond.

We are a federation of Baysgarth secondary school and Castledyke primary school. A federation is not the same as a MAT or a trust. We are still local authority maintained schools; we just have one governing body across the two schools. This allows us to take more strategic decisions about the education of children in our community from age 3-16.
At the moment there are six different elements to the federation:
- Baysgarth School
- Castledyke Primary School
- Headway Alternative Provision
- Get Ahead
- Baysgarth Sports Village
- Riverview Institute for Teacher Education
We are ambitious for our future and want to grow and expand our federation. We believe we provide a unique combination of outstanding outcomes, outstanding inclusion and outstanding facilities, all supported by brilliant staff with a passion for school improvement.