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At Headway, we understand that all behaviour is communication. We always endeavour to look beyond the behaviour so that we can help to address the root cause. All staff are committed to a trauma informed approach, and we seek to develop positive, trusting relationships to support students moving forward positively.

Non-Negotiables for Students

There are clear expectations for staff and students, and these are communicated through the non-negotiables which are displayed in all classrooms for students. The non-negotiables for classroom behaviour are based on the Headway core values - Learning, Safety, Respect. Headway uses the online software programme Class Dojo to reward and sanction students.

Core Value Non-Negotiables
Learning Arrive for lessons on time, appropriatley equipped with drawer contents
Comply with the seating plan
Always complete all work to thge best of your ability
Avoid distracting other learners
Approach your learning with a growth mindset
Safety Make positive choices and be aware of the consequences of our actions
Utilise the safe place when appropriate
Be polite and kind to others
Comply with the seating plan and do not compromise safety of yourself and others by sitting on tables/shelves
Follow Headway Risk Assesssments during activities
Actively always listen and follow staff instructions
Report bullying or other negative behaviour to staff
Respect Respect yourself - arrive ready to learn with a growth mindset approach
Respect each other - be polite and always use appropriate, respectful language
Respect the environment - do not damage the Headway buiding or property, and tidy up after yourself
Respect the community - be polite to all staff in all interactions; be respectful to the Baysgarth site and school community
Respect your education - always approach your work with a growth mindset abd complete all work to the best of your ability
Respect your future - attend all interventions available to you, engage with career opportunities and work experience placements

Key Workers

All students will be allocated a Key Worker. This member of staff will be in regular contact with their students and ensure they are a consistent feature in order to offer bespoke support through communication for our students. 

Weekly welfare checks are conducted between key workers and students to ensure that an overview of the week is discussed. The 1-5 point scale allows for students and key workers to record how they think the week has been, identify areas for development and celebrate achievements. 

The result of these weekly welfare check in is communicated to parents via Class Dojo in the first instance. Weekly phone calls will also be made on a case-by-case basis. This ensures that an overview of the week is discussed, identifies areas for development and celebrates achievements with parents/carers.