
Core Subjects
All students at Headway will study the core subjects, English, Maths, and Science. Students can either study at GCSE Level or at Functional Skills level. Discussions will be held with individual students and their parents/carers to ensure they are entered into the most appropriate qualification.
Core Subject | Specifications |
English | Eduqas GCSE English Language |
English | AQA Functional Skills English L1/2 |
Maths | AQA GCSE Maths |
Maths | AQA Functional Skills Maths L1/2 |
Science | AQA GCSE Trilogy Science (two GCSEs) |
Science | AQA GCSE Triple Science (three GCSEs) |
Science | Pearson Functional Skills Science L1/2 |
Additional Subjects
At Headway, students also get the opportunity to take part in a variety of other lessons, including woodwork and cooking, as well as music, drama, art and PE. Other qualifications offered to students are:
- VTCT Hair & Beauty Award
- BTEC Land Studies
- BTEC Child Development
- BTEC Sports Studies
- GCSE Statistics
- GCSE Geography
Inbox time is a 30-minute session at the beginning of each cohort day. This allows for a “soft start” approach whereby students can experience a successful, yet structured start to their day. A “soft start” approach can promote the development of resilience, independent thinking, and following routines and enables students to feel ready for the academic day ahead. Inbox also provides an opportunity for class leads to interact with their students in a more informal way and identify any safeguarding concerns that may need addressing and offer support to students early and effectively.
Our Inbox routine is:
- Enter classroom, retrieve personal tray and locate Inbox Folder
- Complete the Inbox Task of the day independently
- Complete Wordle online as a whole class
- Complete Heardle online as a whole class
- Watch Newsround
- General discussions and preparation for the day
Study Journal
There are sessions on the timetable that indicate a “Study Journal” session. This is a 15-minute session that provides an opportunity for free-writing. Students can choose to write about anything. This book will not be marked in the same way as an English book, but instead will encourage free-writing, free-thinking, and independent practice. In these books are ideas and inspirations in the form of a ‘Study Journal Challenge’ which some students may like to work through. Class Leads will also display which provides daily inspiration for free-writing.
Collective Reading
There are sessions on the timetable that indicate “Collective Reading”. This is a 15-minute session that encourages a shared reading experience which enables mutual learning both informally and unconsciously. At Headway, we strive to provide opportunities for students to read and learn and this is a session that promotes collective understanding, connections and enjoyment.