A Fond Farewell

We recently said farewell to Laura Preston, Learning Manager.

Laura decided to retire after an impressive tenure of 23 years at Baysgarth School!
Starting her career in the school kitchen at Barton St Peters, Laura moved to the catering team at Baysgarth a while later. Laura took a break from working in education and joined the retail team at the Barton branch of Proudfoot. However, she applied to return to Baysgarth after a short period of time, and here she stayed for almost a quarter of a century.
During her time as a Learning Manager, Laura has helped, supported, guided and cared for 1,000s of students. Her firm but fair approach his what made her such an integral part of the Inclusion Team, and will make her so very missed.
We wish Laura the happiest retirement - she certainly deserves it!
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