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Baysgarth has been recognised as a Bumblebee-Friendly School...

BFS Bronze JUN24 1

Over the past century, the UK's bumblebee population has crashed.  Two species have become nationally extinct and several others have declined dramatically.  

It is well-known that bumblebees are great pollinators, and therefore have a key role in producing much of the food that we eat.  Through the pollination of many commercial crops, such as tomatoes, peas, apples and strawberries, insects are estimated to contribute over £600 million per annum to the UK economy (2015), and in doing so, prop up the £108 billion per-year food and drink industry in Britain.

Baysgarth is extremely lucky in that we have our own underground, annual nest of bumblebees. To support and protect our colony, we applied for national accreditation as a 'Bumblebee Friendly School' in conjunction with the Bumblebee Conservation Trust to protect and conserve our fuzzy, winged friends, and we have recently been granted the Bronze Award!

Work will continue to protect the Baysgarth Bee colony, so stay tuned!