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Castledyke's Year 6 students had an emotional Leavers Assembly this week...

We are so incredibly proud of our Year 6 students as they embark on their next adventure. 

Head of School, Mrs Young, said, "I would like to take this opportunity to wish our Year 6 leavers all the luck in the world as they move on from Castledyke and embark on their new chapters.  We know they are going to take on their new challenges with ambition, determination and drive as we have seen this in them during their primary years.  It has been an absolute pleasure to watch them grow and achieve during their time with us, each of them has brought something special to our school and Castledyke will not be the same without them.  Some of our young people will have strengths in maths, reading, swimming, cooking, computing or telling jokes.  Whatever your talents remember to strive for greatness and continue to work on those things you find difficult.  Show that hard work and determination really does pay off and shine in everything you do.  Be brave when trying new things, meeting new people and being ambitious, and know that we are backing you all the way.  Don't worry about getting things wrong or if things don't happen how you expected, you are wonderful and we know you will be fantastic as you learn.  I am hugely proud of all our children and I would also like to thank our staff for their commitment, dedication and hard work and our parents and carers for your continued support of Castledyke School.  We have so many success stories and good news items to celebrate together this year.  The children have just had fantastic Key Stage 2 SAT results and our talented Year 6 students have achieved this through their hard work and dedication and their exceptional effort.

There is only one more thing left to say, which is Good luck Year 6!"