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The Baysgarth School Council has been working tirelessly behind the scenes in order to try and make our school better for all students...

The team of students would like to showcase their hard work through this short report that will be released every term.

"This term we held a bake sale in honour of Children in Need (Pudsy Day) and raised an amazing £732 for the charity thanks to student donations and our cakes being sold over both breaks.  We would like to thank Miss Marlow, Miss Wright and Miss Towle for brining in their delicious baking!  

We also met with the catering company who supplies the school with food and successfully agreed to improve portion sizes and food quality overall, from which we have received very positive feedback.

Additionally, we met with a nurse who specialises in mental health to try and improve the schools’ awareness and make the academic life of our students more enjoyable; we look forward to expanding more on this in the future.

Our team has also responded to complaints in relation to skirts that are a part of our school uniform.  We have researched some more suitable designs which have been tested in order to see what areas we can improve in.

We have also improved School Council awareness and gained several new members who have helped us to develop new ideas that we are excited to expand upon over the coming weeks and months.

We have worked so hard and can’t wait to see what we can do next term and look forward to helping every student we can and improve the school in any possible way".

Find out more about our Student Leaders here