Key Information

Castledyke Primary School will:
Grow and nurture resillient children, who will aspire to succeed in an ever changing global community. Our children will broaden their horizons, have hope, be curious and be happy through a love of learning.
Our school aims:
We are committed to providing a positive, secure and stimulating environment where children feel safe, can learn and are all valued.
We believe all children should enjoy their learning, achieve their potential and become successful, independent, lifelong learners.
We want everyone to work together and be fully committed to our pupils' learning journey and equip children with the skills they need to achieve in our school and beyond.
We will empower children to acquire, demonstrate and value knowledge and skills through a broad and balanced curriculum.
Who are we?
We are an inclusive school, which promotes a nurturing ethos, proud of our strong supportive family atmosphere. Meeting the needs of all of our children, is at the heart of our school beliefs and ethos. All members of our community are valued and their achievements celebrated. We recognise that every member of our community has unique needs. Everyone needs to be nurtured, allowed to grow and be celebrated.
We aim to provide the best education for all our children, which gives them the skills and knowledge to succeed in an ever changing world. We celebrate and promote diversity, so our pupils can become tolerant, sensitive and considerate citizens, that will have the skills and qualities to thrive in today’s global community, respecting other beliefs and cultures. All lessons are well planned and delivered. Marking and feedback of pupils work within lessons helps to move individual learning forward.
Emotional resilience and empathy are an integral part of our curriculum. Our holistic approach is key in developing life skills within our school community.
Barton itself is a good learning resource for us. We have many local opportunities often within walking distance. There is The Ropewalk (arts centre), Waters Edge (nature area), Baysgarth Museum, Wilderspin Victorian School and the leisure centre to name but a few. All of these facilities have been incorporated into our curriculum.
We take part in many activities, visits and residential trips in order to give children first hand experiences. We are beginning to grow and develop our sporting activities across the curriculum and already take part in many competitive sporting opportunities.
We like to celebrate what our children have accomplished and often invite parents to attend events. We value the support we receive from parents and our local community. We regularly share our achievements on our social media platforms.
We are a vibrant school, keen to support, not only our children, but also parents and the wider community. We are happy to welcome visitors. Visitors often comment on our polite confident pupils and the positive atmosphere of the school.
If you would like to arrange a visit to our school, please contact the office on 01652 632455 and a member of staff will be able to assist you.
School Reception Opening Times
Monday-Friday: 8.30am-3.30pm