We will inspire children to have high aspirations of themselves in order to be as successful as they can be and have better life opportunities.

It is our belief that children at Castledyke should have a broad and balanced curriculum that gives them the skills and knowledge they need to become respectful, tolerant and considerate citizens, who will have the opportunities to thrive in a global community.
As we are a predominantly white British school community, we have ensured that diversity, other cultures and beliefs thread through the curriculum, giving children a wide range of experiences.
There will be key themes which run through each subject area so that there is a coherent pathway. Learning concepts will be revisited and children will learn how it all fits together in the bigger picture. We aim to use our local area across the whole of the curriculum.
Empathy and emotional resilience are key to our curriculum and we want our children to become well-rounded individuals, which is why we have a holistic approach to education, developing the whole child. We want to grow children who have the skills to cope with the situations life can throw at us. The mental health and well-being of our children is really important and we endeavour to embed this in our curriculum through physical activity and PSHE.
We want our children to have;
- Respect
- Empathy
- Effective communication
- Problem solving abilities
- A love of reading
- Emotional resilience
- Self-control
- Pride in everything they do
- Ability to work collaboratively
- Good manners
Educational Visits and Trips
School trips and visits will be used to enhance the learning process for children by giving them the opportunity to:
- introduce a subject new to the children
- to introduce new vocabulary and develop language skills
- gain first hand experience of a subject already broached
- reinforce ideas and concepts already initiated
- extend the idea of group participation and raising the social awareness of pupils by expecting and demanding the highest level of behaviour
- promote the good image of the school
The school strives to provide strong value for money in this area and always works with the travel companies to gain the best deals. We aspire to have all pupils attend (at least once) a residential trip before they finish their primary career.
Castledyke uses the Local Authority recommended risk assessments, procedures and documentation for all visits.
Curriculum Intent and Long Term Plans
If you would like to know more about the curriculum we are following, please see the long term plans for each area below or contact your child's teacher for more information: