
Parents/carers should note: admission to the Nursery for the funded 15 hours, or for qualifying parents, 30 hrs per week, can commence the term after your child's 3rd birthday, if places are available.
In this phase of their education the children are laying down the foundations of reading, writing and learning how to function well in the school environment. There are many aspects of managing their own behviour that are included in the Early Years Curriculum.
Parents may negoitate on a half termly basis, when their child takes the sessions. Children who stay all day thus requiring a lunch will be charged £2.46. Children in the nursery whose parents qualify and fill in the forms for Free School Meals will be provided with this meal at no cost.
In recognition of the fact that working parents require a more flexible approach to their child's education, the school offers 'top up' sessions for part time nursery. Parents pay £10 for either a morning session 8.50am to 11.50pm, or an afternoon session 12.15pm to 3.15pm. This means that if children stay a full day a school meal can be provided at cost of £2.46, or no cost for parents who are eligible and apply for Free School Meals.
Children attending the Nursery class do not automatically gain a place within the Reception class. All parents requiring a place at Castledyke Primary School must apply online. The dealine date is usually the January of the year your child is due to start school in the September.
The criteria for gaining a place in the Reception class is in accordance with North Lincolnshire Council Admissions Policies (see link below).
For more information around admissions please visit the North Lincolnshire Council website.
All Other Year Groups
The school continues to work within the guidelines set out by North Lincolnshire Council for admission to any year group in the school.
If you would like to apply for a place at Castledyke Primary School please click the link below:
Admission Appeals
If your child is refused a place at Castledyke, either in the normal intake or as an in year application, you will have the right of appeal. Appeals are administered by North Lincolnshire Council. More information can be found on the council's website at