
All children in Foundation whatever their starting points are assessed in what is known as the prime areas of learning - Parents would recognise these as reading, writing, number, physical development, language and behavioural skills.
In this phase of their education the children are laying down the foundations of reading, writing and learning how to function well in the school environment. There are many aspects of managing their own behviour that are included in the Early Years Curriculum as well as such things as phonics.
Children are assessed using observations of independent work and checks by the staff on their reading, writing and number work. When there is enough evidence - and once is not enough, we can say that your child has moved forward with their learning in this area.
Photographs are taken and there is an on line system of communiction with parents. If a chid demonstrates that they are competent in all of the set areas, they are deemed to have gained a 'good' level of attainment - some children are above this level and are said to be 'exceeding' national norms.
Phonics Assessment
The purpose of the phonics screening check is to confirm that all children have learned phonic decoding to an age-appropriate standard.
Pupils in Year 1 will undertake the phonics screening during the summer term. If they do not meet the required standard in Year 1 they will be required to undertake the screening again in Year 2.
Key Stage 1
Children are assessed using teacher assessment supported by tests sent by the Government at the end of May in Year 2. These tests are on reading and number work. The teachers must gather other pieces of evidence particularly writing and match these to the skills and knowledge that is set down in the National Curriculum.
All children are expected to be able to demontrate these skills, regularly in order that they will be able to cope with work in KS2. These children are said to be working at age related expectations ARE. Some children are above ARE and we say that they are exceeding.
Key Stage 2
Children undertake national tests (SATs) at the end of KS2. These are in Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (EGPS), Reading and Maths. Writing is assessed through teacher assessment.
The children receive a standardised score in their tests - this is a score out of 100 where 100 is average. The aim is for children to all score, at least 100. Then we know that they are on track with their learning and ready for secondary education.
Children scoring below 100 are classed as being below age related expectations (ARE). Children scoring above 100 and 110 or more are deemed to be working above their ARE.
All scores at the end of KS2 are measured from the score that the child achieved at the end of KS1. This gives a child a progress score i.e. if a child had a low starting point from a low score at the end of KS1, even if they did not manage to gain ARE they might exceed progress expectations.
Progress is the key measure of how much learning has taken place in KS2. Progress scores range can be plus or minus depending on the progress that the group of children make.
2022/23 Results
Key Stage 2
Subject | Expected Standard | Greater Depth |
Reading | 67% | 17% |
Writing | 67% | 13% |
Maths | 60% | 7% |
Science | 67% | N/A |
Combined | 50% | 3% |
Early Years: 63% Good Level of Development (GLD)
Year 1 Phonics: 86%
Year 4 Multiplication: 50%
Key Stage 1
Subject | Expected Standard | Greater Depth |
Reading | 59% | 9% |
Writing | 56% | 6% |
Maths | 62% | 12.5% |
Science | 62% | N/A |
Progress Scores in Reading, Writing and Maths
Based on 29 students with no adjusted scores:
Area | Score |
Reading | -3.13 |
Writing | -0.94 |
Maths | -4.26 |
Reading, Writing and Maths Combined Scores
Achievements | Percentage |
Expected Standard or Higher | 50% |
Higher Standard | 3% |
Average Scaled Scores
Based on 30 students:
Area | Score |
Reading | 102.4 |
Maths | 100.3 |
2021/22 Headlines
Key Stage 2
Subject | Expected Standard | Greater Depth |
Reading | 72% | 21% |
Writing | 51% | 2% |
Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling | 58% | 21% |
Maths | 63% | 23% |
Combined | 49% | 0% |
Early Years: 75% Good Level of Development (GLD)
Year 1 Phonics: 60%
Year 4 Multiplication: 41%
Performance Tables
Parents and carers can search and compare schools on the Department for Education website. If you would like any further information please click one of the links below for more information: