At Castledyke we expect children to read, at least, three times per week, this is to be recorded by an adult in their reading diary as part of their homework commitment.

All home reading is recorded and there are a number of schemes within the school whereby children are rewarded when they exceed this minimum regularly. We often have reading competitions and we do need parents to support their children in taking part.
Spellings are sent home regularly and children are expected to practise them for application in their writing.
Children will also be expected to practise their times tables at home with their parents /carers.
The elements of homework listed above are fairly standard attributes of any homework programme. In addition to this, each class teacher will set appropriate tasks in line with pupils ages and abilities.
Where children persistently do not complete homework, parents will be contacted.
Younger children will need the support of parents in order to complete phonic or number tasks. Where it is felt necessary staff will support parents in gaining the skills to support this work at home.
Year 6 students will complete CPG books; these will be marked and reviewed in school.
It is always a fine line at school between parents who wish their child to have more homework and parents who wish their child to have less! We do our best to find a balance that works for everyone.
Any queries about homework please see your child’s class teacher.