At Baysgarth School we believe that attendance is strongly linked to students' motivation and academic achievement.

Attendance at Baysgarth
Poor attendance and punctuality threaten the rights of young people to an effective education. This Attendance and Punctuality Policy states the responsibility of the school, student and parent in securing good attendance and punctuality. All members of Baysgarth School have a role to play in improving attendance and reducing absence. Students are expected to:
- Attend school regularly and on time
- Be punctual to all lessons
- Ensure that they register for all timetabled lessons (including intervention and 1-1 sessions) and inform Student Support if they cannot be registered for any reason
- Ensure all messages and notes from parents/carers are taken to the appropriate place (as determined by each individual school)
Parents and carers are expected to:
Immediately inform the Attendance Officer, Mrs Cruickshank, if their child is unable to attend before the start of the school day, including the reason for absence and expected date of return. If no indication of a return date has been given, parents and carers should contact the school on each day of absence.
Contact can be made by:
Call: 01652 632576 (Option 1 to report a student absence)
Whatsapp: 07783 807181
Arbor Parent App: reporting illness on the same day. If you need to record a future absence, you will need to notify the school in the usual way by phone or email.
How do I know if my child is well enough to go to school?
The NHS, in collaboration with The Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership, provides a guide to how illnesses should be treated and whether your child can come into the school with the listed symptom/s. If however you are unsure, always contact the Attendance Team, who can advise you.
What do I do if my child is ill and cannot attend school?
Parents should immediately inform the Attendance Officer, Mrs Cruickshank, if your child is unable to attend before the start of the school day, including the reason for absence and expected date of return. If no indication of a return date has been given, you should contact the school on each day of absence.
Call 01652 632576 (option 1) to report a student absence.
What do I have to do if my child has a medical appointment during the school day?
Medical, dental and other appointments should be arranged out of school hours, wherever possible. Where this is not possible, students should, where practically possible, come to school before the appointment, sign out and return to school after the appointment. Evidence of medical appointments can be sent via email to, or via Whatsapp to 07783 807181.
I want to take my child on holiday during term time, what do I do?
Government Legislation now states that only exceptional circumstances warrant an authorised leave of absence; please refer to the Department of Education for the latest guidance.
The school will require you to complete a Leave of Absence form at least four weeks before the date of the required leave, unless this relates to a family illness or funeral, and submit to the Attendance Officer for consideration. This form will be assessed by the Head Teacher in light of the government guidance in order to make a decision.
When making a decision to authorise an absence, the Head Teacher has to assess if the circumstances are exceptional. The school considers the following to be exceptional, however each case will be assessed individually:
- A service personnel parent is returning from a tour of duty abroad where it is evidenced the individual will not be in receipt of any leave in the near future that coincides with school holidays.
- An absence from school that is recommended by a health professional as part of a parent or child’s rehabilitation from a medical or emotional issue. Evidence may be required directly from the medical professional.
- The death or terminal illness of a close relative.
- Participation in activities linked to music, arts or sport, where the student is performing at an exceptional level and participation will support their development.
- Participation in activities or therapies as recommended as part of an individual support plan.
- Religious observance – The Education Act 1996 S444(3) (c), states ‘’on any day exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which his/her parent belongs’’.
- To attend a wedding or funeral of a close relative.
The Head Teacher can determine if the absence is authorised and the length of the authorised absence. The list above is not exhaustive and each application will be considered on the individual circumstances.
Parents and carers are strongly urged not to take students out of school for holidays during term time. A family holiday would not normally approved unless the circumstances around the holiday were exceptional. In the event that parents/carers do need to request a holiday, it is expected that a Leave of Absence Form is submitted to the Attendance Officer at least four weeks in advance of the proposed absence. All factors that need to be considered must be stated on the Leave of Absence Form. The Head Teacher will then consider the request and inform parents of the decision in writing. Baysgarth School has the right to serve a Fixed Penalty Notice on Parents and Carers who insist on taking their child(ren) out of school without authorisation. Download the full policy below:
100% Attendance Club
Maintaining an attendance record of 100% is a brilliant achievement and one that we are delighted to reward and celebrate. Students who achieve 100% attendance in the last academic year have been given a much deserved place in the 100% Attendance Club. Membership of the club entitles students to a range of rewards, including celebration activities, trips and pop up events throughout the year.
An 100% Attendance Club pin badge is presented to students when they enter the club. It is expected that this pin badge is worn with pride at all times around the school. This is a student’s pass to a raft of rewards and treats including a queue jumper in the dining rooms, ensuring priority and speedy serving at lunch and break times. If any student is found to be abusing the badge, for example by loaning it to another student, the privilege of being in the 100% club will be removed.
Students that are members of the 100% Attendance Club currently are those that secured 100% attendance during Half Term 2. After the Easter holidays , we will welcome to the club every student that has achieved 100% attendance from 6th January to 4th April 2025. Students stay in the club and experience all the perks that go alongside this for as long as they maintain 100% attendance. This will be reviewed weekly by the Attendance Team and any student who drops below 100% will hand their badge back to the Attendance Team.
Exceptional Circumstances
We recognise 100% attendance as being a huge achievement and one that needs significant reward and celebration! Therefore, only students with 100% attendance will be granted access to the club. The 100% Attendance Club is a reward for those students who show resilience and excellent attitudes to school. We do, however, recognise that in some cases, absence from school is unavoidable. Examples include students being absent from school:
- To attend a specialist medical appointment related to a lifelong medical condition.
- To grieve for, and attend a funeral of an immediate family member.
In all cases where a parent/carer is seeking an exception to be made, the Head Teacher must authorise this. Please complete an Exceptional Circumstances form and return to Reception, Attendance Team office or by email to .