Wellbeing is central to everything that we do at Baysgarth.

With Me in Mind
A key service that we use at Baysagrth is 'With Me in Mind'. Students can find information about this service in their area of the website too.
Aims, Service and Purpose
With Me in Mind is an education based service focusing on early intervention and prevention for children aged 4-19. The service is built upon the green paper, 'Transforming Mental Health for Children and Young People' and is underpinned by three core functions:
- To provide evidence-based interventions for children with mild to moderate mental health difficulties.
- To work in partnership with the schools identified mental health lead and develop the whole school approach to mental health. This may include group sessions, workshops, assemblies, staff training, parent workshops, personal, health and social education (PHSE) support and much more.
- To give timely advice and consultation to schools and colleges including home educated students about individual children’s emotional health and from this we signpost to appropriate services to ensure that young people get the right support.
The team is made of a Clinical Lead, Team Leader, Senior Mental Health Practitioners, Education Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Therapist and Support Workers. We are proud to be working alongside With Me in Mind at Baysgarth to enhance the support already in place at school.
Through consultation with the Senior Mental Health Practitioner (Fern Rivett), the service can also help children and young people with more complex and/or severe needs to access the right support and provide a link to specialist NHS services, including CAMHS.
With Me in Mind offers support around low level and emerging mental health problems. The aim is to address any problems as early as possible, working towards stopping problems becoming more serious and engrained. These include:
- Low mood
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Simple phobias
- Sleep problems
- Panic attacks
- Behavioural and emotional problems
They can also help to educate students around:
- Resilience and assertiveness
- Managing exam stress
- Social media
- Transitions
- Guided self-help
- Helpful resources and local links for accessing more support
You can read more about the service offer here.
Parents' Workshops
Book a FREE place at one of the virtual Part Workshops being held throughout the academic year. To book a place, either scan the QR code or email rdash.wmim-nlincs@nhs.net.