
You can access our dedicated 'Pastoral Site' by clicking below, where you will find advice and guidance on how to support your child generally, but also with their mental health and wellbeing, understanding behaviours, having difficult conversations and much more.

With Me in Mind offer support around low level and emerging mental health problems. The aim is to address any problems as early as possible, working towards stopping problems becoming more serious and engrained. These include:
- Low mood
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Simple phobias
- Sleep problems
- Panic attacks
- Behavioural and emotional problems
They can also help to educate students around:
- Resilience and assertiveness
- Managing exam stress
- Social media
- Transitions
- Guided self-help
- Helpful resources and local links for accessing more support
You can read more about the service offer here.

The Team
Hannah Holden is the Education Mental Health Practitioner for Baysgarth. She is in school each week to meet with students who have been accepted for assessment to the service.
Meetings can be one-to-one or, in some cases, group settings.
How to Access the Service
Students who feel they would benefit from the With Me in Mind service should speak with Mrs Hennell, our designated Senior Mental Health Lead, their Learning Manager or a member of the Inclusion Team.
Parents and carers who have concerns about their child should contact Mrs Hennell or their child's Learning Manager at the school. Alternatively, you can send an email to admin.baysgarth@baysgarthschool.co.uk for the attention of the Safeguarding Team.
Video Support
The With Me in Mind team have created a variety of videos to support with an array of areas from boosting confidence to encouraging independence, the importance of sleep to managing exam stress. Click here to access these at any time!

The service also offers an e-clinic that is available to young people between the age of 11 and 18. Simply sign up to their free app to contact a With me in Mind Worker, who can support with mental health related issues via instant messages on any mobile or tablet.
Download the app from the Apple Store or Google Play.
With Me in Mind offer a range of resources for parents, carers and students.
Further Information
For regular updates, top tips, quotes and more information, visit the Wind Me in Mind website and social media pages: